Abler launches new-look Classes 2.0
At Abler, we’re constantly improving our products to meet users’ needs. One of our company mottos is “Practice makes,” and we believe in walking that walk. The more we circle back and reevaluate our primary features, the more we find opportunities for making Abler the most forward-thinking team organisation system on the market.
Reimagining Abler Classes 2.0
The recent launch of Abler Classes 2.0 is a perfect example of this drive to innovate. Our development team spent months breaking down and rebuilding the Abler Classes forum for posting courses and events online for members.
We examined and weighed everything, seeking the best way to display your products. The team wanted to improve upon what was already working and remove any excess weight from the user experience. From the layout and design to the nuts and bolts of development, every adjustment combined to create a superior tool appropriate for any club offering class signups.
The final and most crucial ingredient in all of this was you: the coach, admin, club leader, athlete, or parent. We hear from you every day; it’s one of the great pleasures of working in this industry, connecting with real people and learning how to improve our solutions, all to make Abler the answer to your organisational needs. We collect and consider your feedback and adjust our product roadmap to address your pain points.
Simplifying the complexities of class organisation
Simplicity is the name of the game, and we believe in providing a user-friendly, intuitive experience. After all, our goal is to eliminate the headaches that come with communication, coordination and payments, not create new ones.
With the Classes 2.0 project, we wanted to create an environment that was easy on the eyes, simple to navigate and provided the most relevant information to our users. The result is a new look for Abler Classes, which remains customisable for clubs while enhancing the product overview and clarity of what is happening and when.
Customisable content for recurring classes
We’ve been doing quite a bit with the Abler gym and fitness products lately, and there’s no question this has informed some of Classes 2.0’s key features. If you’re a fitness trainer, you understand the importance and complications of building a successful workout-of-the-day (WOD) program.
Sometimes you need the option of a recurring course with customisable daily content. Classes 2.0 makes this simple, keeping class descriptions as flexible and customisable as you need without disturbing routine class times and course schedules.
A reimagined user interface
For members looking to book a class, we tried to place the most critical information up front — and not just time and place. Class size, open slots, waitlists and minimum registration requirements are now signalled on each class’s card. If you’re waitlisted, you’ll automatically be booked and receive an alert if and when a space opens up for you to join.
Users can also browse available classes the way they prefer, in either card form or list form. Once you’ve booked a class, it’s automatically pinned to the top of the list. You’ll always know what you’ve signed up for and when it’s happening.
We’re excited to give your members an experience that is fresh, simple, and informative while keeping them coming back for more of what your club or fitness centre offers.